Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's Next?

Even though I didn't get much written about our traveling to Gulf Shores this past year, I now find I have time on my hands and need to take up blogging to fill some time.  I am now unemployed and am drawing unemployment.  Several things have changed in my life and I'm still just traveling through life.  I took a fall last summer and hurt my sciatica and tail bone. I had to use a walker and a cane to get around for about 5 or 6 months.  It was not fun.  I am still walking kind of weird, but I don't need any "assistive devices" to move. Then, my employer (Board of Realtors) merged with the other REALTOR Boards in our area and I was left without a job. So now I am unemployed and watching a  lot of TV and running errands, etc.  But I do get a check each week from Uncle Sam which I greatly appreciate.  I am going to work on my resume' and look more diligently for a job.  I don't know what I want to do with my next job and would like to take my time to see what is out there for a 50 something year old woman who can't walk fast but has good people skills. 
So in the meantime, I vow to write on my blog more, learn more about blogging and selling stuff on e-bay, and keep om "Traveling through" life. 
And by the way we have a little trip lined up to Branson with my husbands sisters for a full week in a couple of weeks.  It will be fun.  I'll let you know all about it.