Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What to pack or not to pack

Well, I am starting the dilema of packing for our trip that is one week away.  This is a whole situation all in itself when I start packing.  You know I like to have options, but then I am always told I take too much luggage.  At least going to one area and staying there a few days makes it easier.  You start with the basics - underwear. How many days will you be gone and then a couple of extra pairs for possible "mishaps" (when you get older you have to plan for that) and then just one more for good measure.  Then you have to make sure you have enough clean to wear a day or two before you leave.  Sometimes I don't have enough, so I have to dig in my drawer and get out some old that might have holes or bad elastic.  You know the kind- everyone has them. 
Anyway, after the underwear comes pants or shorts or jeans or capris.  Then tops to match those.  And then you have to find out if you are planning something fancy or different that you might need a set of clothes that are not too casual.  And of course you have to throw in a jacket, "just in case", and your best Arkansas shirt.  Then comes the shoes.  Tennis shoes, one or two flip flops, crocs, and a nice pair of shoes, (another "just in case" item). Then at least one pair of house shoes, and some socks to weak in the house.  Then socks to wear with tennis shoes. But this year, I have a bad back (I'll tell you about it later.) and have been wearing tennis shoes with everything (yes dressy outfits, and they are white.)
And this is just my clothes!!
I usually pack for Luther, but he likes to wait until one or two days before. This drives me crazy.  But he only takes his croc sandals and his tennis shoes.  Simple.  And he will wear the same shorts 2 days or so, and just changes shirts.  So I add in as many shirts as I can and all the underwear he owns.  Then his "sleep" shorts and some socks and maybe one pair of slacks, (another "just in case").
Then when I get everything laid out, I pack a small bag to take into the hotel on the first night so that means deciding what I am going to wear the first and second days! 
Last come toiletries and medicine and make-up.  Plus bug spray, sunscreen, snacks for traveling, and a pillow and blanket, and reading material which includes Ipod, Nook and some mgazines! Oh yes and binoculars, cameras, extra batteries........
There - that concludes a lesson on packing.  I think I need to have Luther get the suitcases down tonight!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trip Changes

 The only thing constant is change.  That being said we have made a change in our upcoming trip.  We were going to leave around 2:00pm after some of us got through with work.  And now we are going to all take Thursday off and leave at 8:00 am.  That means I have to be packed and basically ready to go early Thursday morning.  Which means being ready Wednesday night.  I can do it, but it would be easier if I had a little bit longer.  I'll have Luther bring up our suitcases tomorrow night and get started this week. 
Then I will also have the weekend to pack some too.  I have already decided most of what I am taking. 
We are taking two cars this year on the trip so that we do not have the expense of a van.  We (Luther and I) are taking our van.  Luther talked about taking our truck, but I cannot get up in it without a stool our curb (due to my back - have I told you about that?), but he has decided to take the van instead. 
Well, I don't have much to add this time so I'll let you know at the end of the week as to how my packing is going.  Have a good week!